ADHD and Getting Started

-OR-If you start me upIf you start me up, I'll never stop- 'Start Me Up' The Rolling Stone When we are given a task we usually have a process: We plan, get everything ready, and finally execute. But sometimes we have the intention of starting, only to end up failing. This behavior is referred to … Continue reading ADHD and Getting Started

Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria

my intense emotions make it hard to be myself

-OR- I'm one step closer to the edge and I'm about to break... First off I want to mention ADHD-Alien, where this weeks picture came from. She is an artist that makes comics about her experiences with ADHD. They are cute but their subject matter can shed new light on ADHD. Her comic about how … Continue reading Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria

Guild of Dungeoneering

-OR-K3ntucky writes about a computer game from 2015. You have entered the door to the north. You are now by yourself standing in a dark room, the pungent stench of mildew emanates off the wet dungeon walls. You hear a gentle tune being played on a stringed instrument coming from a counter. Behind it, a … Continue reading Guild of Dungeoneering

Music you may have missed – International edition

-OR-Other countries make music too?! It's weird coming across something popular in other countries or even worldwide but barely known in America. One could surmise it's the cultural bubble one lives in with their country. Others might cite America's tendency to shove entertainment down everyone's throats. Maybe or maybe that's what you get to do … Continue reading Music you may have missed – International edition

By-passing Washington Post Paywall

-OR-Jeff Bezos HATES him!Find out this one weird trick to get FREE Washington Post articles! While browsing around the internet I came across an interesting article. I was about to click the link when I noticed it was a Washington Post (WP) article. I have nothing against WP but it feels like whenever I click … Continue reading By-passing Washington Post Paywall

Threat/Vulnerability/Risk – TVR

-OR-The dust settled after dropping the ball... So I'm going to write about it. A while ago, I got an interview for what I thought was an IT support role. Turns out they filled that position earlier and they wanted to try me for a Security Manager role. Being more of a network guy by … Continue reading Threat/Vulnerability/Risk – TVR

The time I saved 4 Marines…

-OR-Full Title: The time I saved 4 Marine's careers. Dear reader, I don't usually tell the stories of my heroic feats while in the Marine Corps. The unspoken heroes of war don't do what they do expecting awards or accolades. They act for the well being of their fellow warriors and the units ability to … Continue reading The time I saved 4 Marines…

Music you may not have heard of… again.

-OR-I'm giving up on trying to sell you things that you ain't buying...Lisa Frank 420 / Modern Computing - Macintosh Plus When I go out searching for new music, I try to tap different sources. Many times it's the Youtube recommended list. Sometimes... when I'm just absolutely desperate I try the radio. On road trips … Continue reading Music you may not have heard of… again.

Magic Trick – Coin Conjure

-OR-"Not tricks, Michael, illusions. A trick is something a wh*** does for money...." -G.O.B Arrested Development Sleight of hand has always been fascinating to me. Especially sleight of hand where the only cost is the time spent practicing (AKA free). Last post about magic, I presented a fast and snappy trick. This one, in my … Continue reading Magic Trick – Coin Conjure

Magic Trick – Back Palm Vanish

-OR-For my next trick, watch your respect for me and my self esteem... Disappear! I believe everyone should have a magic trick or two up their sleeve (Ba-dum-tish). Nothing fancy. Nothing they have to buy, have a hidden partner to help with, or require a lot of set up time. Just a couple of sleight … Continue reading Magic Trick – Back Palm Vanish